ARNAN's root come from 'Man's Greatest Adventure', the effort to land man on the moon. After managing a successful project worth over $100,000,000, key Honeywell staff turned their energies toward the delivery of health care.
Working with customers from across the country, these pioneers initiated many of the efficiencies commonly used in medicine today. These efforts included: IBM's first small medical office computer system, advances in queuing theory, information storage and retrieval, and efficient application of resources. Key ARNAN staff appeared in Du Pont advertising campaigns for Automatic Clinical Analyzers featuring ARNAN's innovative application of DuPont's technology. Individual projects in the 1980's exceeded $10,000,000.
Today as management extenders in technology planning, ARNAN has a broad base of customers, partners, and vendors. By solving problems and meeting needs, ARNAN has built a solid reputation for value quality and fast tracking implementation.
Planners, Engineers and Managers of Strategic Information Technology - Compete Better